Friday, May 27, 2011

crochet (pronounced croshay, not krotchet) ; )

In my little world of wannabe,
as  I have mentioned before,
I want to learn to crochet.
In my quest to discover how, I have come upon some interesting projects.
Not that I want to do them, I just like looking at them.

Wasn't that fun?

Here's a fun song from 
Bob the Builder.
I don't understand why they all have
English accents....but put on your dancing shoes,
and if you are blonde like me...
put on your hard hat!!!! ; )

Catchy, eh?
I'll be singing that one all day.

Have a wonderful weekend,
my sweet family and friends.
Love to you all!!
xoxoxo d

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I have been reviewing some of my fotos from over the years.
This morning...these are my favorites.

Kind of missing my old house this morning. 
It had great light in the kitchen in the evening!

Hope your day is filled with light and goodness and happiness!!!

xoxoox d  ; )

Monday, May 23, 2011

Etsy ARt

Last year around this time I went on a search for 
new art for my home.
I did not want to spend a ton of money,
so I started to look for original art on cards.



A gold mine!

These are some of the pieces I purchased....

If you are interested in any of these artists I have
the links to access their shops.  
Just let me know!

I have loved every one of them.  I purchased
many more,
but that is for another day.  ; )

These pictures make me so happy...
yup you guessed it,
it's time for a song!!!!

I have loved that song since the 5th grade
when I bought a small record sung by some unnamed group
out of the book club flyer.

(I don't know where this picture went!!!!  It disappeared for some reason!
Too bad... it was really cute.)

Love this pic from our video chat this morning with my grand kiddos.
Goio is giving me kisses, so is Pen, but I didn't get her in mid-pucker.  ; )

Happy Monday to all you 'chillen (children)
out thar.

xoxooxxo d

Friday, May 20, 2011

Whew! Friday!

Love love love Cary Grant.....

Here is a parody of the 'Friday' song
Kind of silly, kind of fun.  ; 

Enjoy your Friday, sweetie-kins!
Hugs and kisses to last you through 
the weekend.
May it be a glorious one for ya!
xoxoxoxo d

Thursday, May 19, 2011

new shoes

Today is a beautiful day
and I want new shoes.
Springy shoes. 
Shoes that will make me feel young and cute.
(I sure ask alot of my shoes....)

Swedish Hasbeens:
Recycling styles from the 70's.
I so want a pair of these $250 plus shoes.
(In my dreams....)

I love that socks with sandals look.
Think I could pull it off?

Ya, I won't try cuz the outcome would probably be
a little different than those young, 
skinny things at the top of the page.  ; )

Think I'll get dressed and put some new shoes on....

Here's to a wonderful Thursday!
Hoping you'll get some bright, new, shiney shoes!!!!!!

Love to ya!
xoxxoxo d

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Like Mama Like Daughter

I have been thinking about our third little grand baby
that will be born in November. 
It dawned on me that our little Pen will be the middle child,
just like her mother.

They are so much alike.  ; )

This is our little Wawa in 1983 dancing cheek to cheek with her Papa 
when we lived in the wilds of Idaho 
in our little cabin.
Big blue eyes, eh?

This is our little Pen on her last visit,
touching Papa's beard.

Her personality is just like her mama's too.
She made me laugh......ALOT!

Tara was the comedian, too.

This is one of my favorite pictures from Pen's visit last summer.
This is with her aunt Nene at Nene's piano.

Oh this little girl just shines, doesn't she?

It's time for a happy song....

That happy song felt good.
Play it again and....

let's dance!!!!!

Have a good one, kiddos!
Love ya!
xoxoxo d

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Eero Saarinan

I don't know if you have noticed, 
but I am kind of a design junkie.
Scandinavian design being my favorite,
but I love other design as well and

Eero is one of my favorites.



Mmmmmmmm....isn't this all just so yummy?

A quick movie about an exhibit of his works.

There is too much info on him to do him justice here,
so here is a web site about him.
It is amazing how much he did in his short life
and how much we take his world changing design for granted 
in our every day world.

The very thought of his works, makes me so happy....
makes me happy.

Sing it Etta........

A wonderful 
Taco Tuesday
to all of you.

; )

xoxox d

Monday, May 16, 2011


I came upon this interesting article on NPR this morning.

I am a total dog lover.
I take Milk Bones on my walks to befriend the dogs I see
along the way.
I'd bring tuna fish for the cats if I could but I don't like how it smells. ; )

this guy is a college graduate who couldn't find a job in his field so he became a temporary mailman.
This is his blog entry on some pictures he took one day of some of the dogs on his route.
I enjoyed it.
So...I am sharing it with you.
I know, I is lame to use a blogger for your blog.
I just got a huge kick out of his pics and commentary,
and needed to share.  ; )

His blog entry link....

The NPR article....

My favorite pics he took....
( I believe if you click on the pic you can see it bigger)

He used a disposable camera from Rite Aid.
This last one looks like he is singing a song.
Me too!!!

I LOVE this song by Nellie McKay...

Wasn't that great?????
I love happy songs. 

Hug a furry friend today!
And give your mailman a pat on the back...

A happy Monday to you all!!!
xoxoxoxo d

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Digging the Dirt

(Just to let you know....anyone can make comments now.  
Many of you told me you were unable to make comments. 
I changed some settings.)  ; )

I always wear gloves when I garden,
as I can't stand having dirt in my fingernails.
But no matter what I do to prevent it,
I get dirt in my fingernails.

I have been collecting seeds for awhile and those are just a few of them
I am going to be a patient gardener this year
and buy minimal plants as a means of cost saving .
A friend donated 75 strawberry plants to my cause.
Needless to say,  I am delighted!  
She thinned her strawberry plants three weeks ago.

I have basically killed all of the weedy lawn around our house,
pulled out two dead trees, 
sprayed all kinds of strange outgrowths,
and used the claw to till up the dead grass
to get it ready for planting.

 And I have some other miscellaneous projects....
The wrought iron arbor with a gate was $80.00 at Fred Meyer!
I used double coupons when it went on sale last week.
I am tickled.
I do need to straighten it.  ; )

I was delighted to have these wonderful red tulips come up next to the house!
They created a  'red' theme.
I purchased mature tulips, two for 50 cents at Walmart, and planted them
by the geraniums I planted last week.

They make me happy.

I am following my sister Judy's philosophy of 
get rid of the lawn and plant 
luscious flowers with paths made of rocks.
It will never match her yard,
but I can try.  ; )

 Cally agrees it is a good idea.  She enjoys all of the soil I have dug up and she 
rolls in it on a regular basis.

My little indoor couch I bought in 1992 has become our porch couch.
It will move inside when the basement is finished.
I'm trying to figure out how to hang my birdie accoutrements so
the massive squirrel population will not take them over.

Ahhhh... all of this garden talk just makes me so joyous.

Time for a song you say?
I agree!!!!

I have always loved Cat.
This song in particular is one of my favorites.
I hope you enjoyed it, too.

Have a joyous day, all of my lovely friends and family.
Love to all of you sweetie-kins. 
xoxoxoxo d

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