There are a few people I really wanted to meet.
She was one of them.
Maybe in Heaven,
wishes come true.
; )
Irene in 1947 at 32 years old.
After she had escaped
After she had escaped
Irene at 98 years old.
I have bought one of the movies above for my birthday,
and a documentary about her as well.
“Since it is so likely that (children) will meet cruel enemies,
let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage.
Otherwise, you are making their destiny not brighter, but darker.”
C.S. Lewis
December 1-25 is the
"Light the World"
initiative of my church.
December 1-25 is the
"Light the World"
initiative of my church.
Encouraging all people to participate
in a
"Light the World"
This means to do small, simple actions to serve others,
which will light the world like
our light of the world,
our light of the world,
Jesus Christ.

Below is a description that is given to our little
children about the initiative.
I think Irena would have liked it.
; )
; )
The Primary General Presidency (of the LDS church)
is inviting
children worldwide to participate in the Church’s
Christmas initiative,
is inviting
children worldwide to participate in the Church’s
Christmas initiative,
The month-long campaign encourages (all)
to share the light of Jesus Christ
through small, but meaningful acts of service
on each of the
25 days before Christmas.

to share the light of Jesus Christ
through small, but meaningful acts of service
on each of the
25 days before Christmas.

“We are reminding children that Jesus Christ is the light of the world,” said Sister Joy D. Jones, Primary General President.
By participating in the “Light the World” initiative,
children can do the things that help them not only come to know,
but also emulate,
the Savior."
By participating in the “Light the World” initiative,
children can do the things that help them not only come to know,
but also emulate,
the Savior."
“We have faith in them to be lights.
We see their potential and it is grand.”
(Link to full article)
What a wonderful lady! Thank you for bringing her to our awareness.