Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It's a cat's world....

It's a caaaaat's world!!
(just replace the word 'man' with 'cat')

We have permission......

This is not about cats.
I just thought it was funny.

I can totally relate to this one.
This is Cally in a nutshell....

Temperamental  little cuties some times.
And some feel that a cat can't love their owner.
But I beg to differ.
I always 
feel the love.
; )

And I love you, too!
Hope your day is
a fantastic day,
and that
blessings rain upon your head!


Wednesday, March 05, 2014

The Braided Hair

I like braids.
I enjoy wearing a long braid down my back,
a long braid to the side
and every now and then
two braids like the little lass above.
But I need a little variation
in my braiding.
So here are some ideas I have been 

that little girl is an angel.


i am particularly fond of Mamie Gummer's little braid
atop her head.

Simple and tasteful.
Mamie (above and below) is the daughter 
of Merryl Streep
and is an actress.
She was in a show called
Emily Owen M.D. that I just
watched on Netflix.
I think she is a real unique beauty.

So, I am off to try some
Maybe it will make me look 
young and beautiful
like the little lasses above
(I am not delusional....really)
; )

And so...
Sing it Perry!

See you soon,
my little 
cutie pies!

Sending love your way!

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Ruth Orkin: Featured Artist

Every now and again I come across something that
gets me 
I love to learn new things!
And so, I just discovered 
Ruth Orkin.

From Wikipedia:

Ruth Orkin (September 3, 1921 – January 16, 1985) was an American photographer and filmmaker.
Orkin grew up in Hollywood where her mother was a silent-film actress.[1] She grew up photographing and in 1939, she studied photojournalism at the Los Angeles City College. In 1943, she served in the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps duringWorld War II.[2]
Orkin moved to New York City in 1943 and began working as a nightclub photographer. She later became a successful freelance photographer, traveling all over the world and contributing to LifeLookLadies' Home Journal and other periodicals. In November 1948 she sailed from New York on the ocean liner SS Argentina to film and write about its passengers for Coronet magazine.[3]
Orkin attended Photo League events but didn't become a member after they were blacklisted in 1947.[1] In 1952 Orkin married photographer, filmmaker and fellow Photo League member Morris Engel. Orkin worked with Engel as an editor and co-director on several independent feature films.[4]
Orkin is perhaps best known for her photograph, American Girl in Italy, taken in 1951. The subject of the now-iconic photograph was the 23-year-old Ninalee Craig (known at that time as Jinx Allen). The photograph was conceived inadvertently when Orkin noticed the men ogling Allen as she walked down the street. Orkin asked Allen to walk down the street again, to be sure she had the shot.[5][6][7]
In the 1970s, Orkin taught photography at the School of Visual Arts and the International Center of Photography. She died of cancer in her Manhattan apartment at age 63.

Her most famous photo is the one she is standing by...
this one.

Don't ya just love her?
Her films have an artsy and photographic
feel about them
These are the two films that she was involved with.

A clip from this movie.

And the other...

A clip from this movie....

I'd like to take photography lessons from her, 
wouldn't you?

City photos possibly.....

I would have Joni Mitchel playing 
in the ear buds.
This song in particular.

dream on 

Hope your Saturday was

Love to you all,
my little butterscotch squares
(from See's Chocolates of course...)

(found a recipe for them on the net!!!)
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