Thursday, March 07, 2013


This is something that has been on my mind since teenager-dom.

It's on lots of people's minds.

Many years ago an acquaintance of mine and I were having a discussion
about a women from church
and how we could help her.
She was going through a difficult time.

My friend stated
"She is very depressed/unhappy and has been for many, many years".

I stated
"She is?  I am surprised!  Her life appears to be good.
Her husband obviously loves her 
(as he publicly stated it often),
they are comfortable financially as evidenced by their
her children are successful,
she is able to acquire fine things,
her home is lovely....
she talks as though she is happy....
I am confused!"

She stopped,  
looked at me and said
"What do you see on her face".

I pondered.
She had a countenance that was 
tired, the sides of her mouth naturally
dropped down
when not interacting with others.
She stooped over while walking.
She looked like she carried a heavy 
I had just never really thought about it.

"It is in her countenance", my friend said.
"She carries her unhappiness in her countenance."
My heart broke for her.

She was right.
I don't know what burdened this fine woman,
but she carried it with her daily to the point where
her body and face drew from it's presence.

So, what is a beautiful countenance?
What is beauty?
Do I think too much?
('yes', you say)
Can you see it on my face that I am always asking questions?

Well...I came across this woman's blog, and she has written a book about
"The Elegant Lady"
(yes, this IS related and does have a point to it)

This is her site and her book.

These are not her book covers,
but I loved the elegance of these 
portrayed ladies.

"We Can Grow Beautiful"

"Our desires to grow beautiful can manifest when we have an elegant countenance because that comes from within. Strangely, inner beauty becomes outer beauty and this beauty is everlasting. It goes beyond powerful make up.
We've all had those moments when an elegant lady walks into the room. She has a sort of queenly honour that commands respect around her, yet is very gracious. You don't know "who she is yet" but in your mind, you'll think she's probably someone very important. You almost gawk and admire her from a distance.
Then, there are some who are very pretty but gives off a sour vibe. Pretty is not the same as beautiful. Your hunch is right when she opens her mouth and especially so when you witness her in action. Suddenly, she is not pretty anymore.
That is probably why some faces (pretty or not) look elegant and others, not so. Other 'plain' faces can look elegant, smarter, classier, wealthier than the pretty ones. Why? Is it the language that they speak? the make up? the clothes? the education? Surely all play a part, but it is their countenance that tells us about them. 

Ines de la Fressange says, "You can go out and hate everybody, hate your age, and hate all the things you don't have but it will show; you have the face you deserve."

I've also said before that whatever's in your heart turns up on your face. Apart from our regular beauty treatments, care and attention to our skin/face, we have to look after our heart
In Proverbs 4:23 in the Bible, it says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." 

How interesting!!! 

So I decided to show you some woman who I think are really beautiful.
They are all over 40,
some over 50,
some over 60,
and beyond!!!
They must have been living lives that
made their countenances 

They are all so beautiful.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Hillary Clinton
(yes...she has done good things)

Sarah Teasdale

Minerva Teichert

Ms. Pool

Anne Morrow Lindburgh

(amazing, dedicated  nurse at one of my work places)

Harriet Tubman

Miss Angie
(with Lily her darling daughter)

My sweet Mother

Joni Mitchell

Mother Teresa

I would like to add
pictures of my sistahs
Kathleen, Judy, and Nancy.
I don't know if they would
appreciate their pictures being on here,
but they are definitely on top of the list.

So the Little Prince said:

“If you were to say to the grown-ups: "I saw a beautiful house made of rosy brick, with geraniums in the windows and doves on the roof," they would not be able to get any idea of that house at all. You would have to say to them, "I saw a house that cost $20,000." Then they would exclaim, "Oh, what a pretty house that is!”
Antoine de Saint Exupéry, The Little Prince

Tee hee.

Gets you thinking, eh?

Alrighty then.....
my head hurts.
Too much thinking for 
miss daiseedeb.

So, I must show more pictures.
Before and after photoshopped.

How unnecessary....
I like the 
pic on most of these!!!


Take what you will from all of 
probably the longest post I have ever done.

I just have to end by saying I have the
most gorgeous people
reading this blog.
I love you.

Indian Arie...
I love you too.
This song is definitely an 

Happy Friday,
little beautiful flowers!!!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post! And you are at the top of my list of beautiful ladies :)


Love to hear from you, little cutie-kins!

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