Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's 'Spring Green' Time

Remember that crayon named "Spring Green"?
As a kid I always wondered
"Why is is called Spring Green, cuz it seems that green in spring is
a darker 'limier' green."

I guess I wasn't very observant.

It's the green on the top of the picture.
Little fact, they now call it "yellow-green".
What is the world coming to?
Spring Green is so much more poetic!

So, I have this tree in front of my new house,
and it is "blooming" spring green flowers!

I don't know what kind of tree it is...but it is really pretty right now.

Since it is springy around here,
I have been playing in the dirt,
planting in the dirt,
wallowing in the dirt.  ; )

A little sample of what I am planting.

That purple crayon use to be called "lilac".
Don't know what it is called now...

'Beautiful Huge Columbine"
is it's new name.  ; )

My buddies have been helping me.

Miss Calla Lily Mew Mew....

And then there is Jake, 
the Milk Bone addict
(I really shouldn't have indulged him...)

I think he is still waiting there.

Soon there will be pictures of strawberries, and poppies, and purpliness......
I feel like breaking into a chorus of ....

Oh Joni, I love you!

Have a delightful Tuesday....
and don't worry....
be happy.

xoxoxo dd


  1. Deb, you totally need the box of 120 crayons. There are some pretty beautiful crayon names out there, Rylee's favorite being piggy pink. I'm partial to eggplant and robin egg blue myself :) Hope your garden will grow and be warm and beautiful! It's not even close to planting time here!

  2. They stopped naming the crayons with those beautiful names? Is there someone we can call? Some way we can protest!? That's just not right.

    I like your kitty and your neighbor dog is sweet too. I'm a lover of neighbor dogs and kitties too:)


Love to hear from you, little cutie-kins!

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